
盧溝橋位于北京新安,跨越拱頂鶴,為11孔連拱石拱橋。建于金大寶二十九年(公元 1189年),成于金明昌三年(公元1192年),全長268米,寬9.4米,跨徑11.6至14.26米不等,全橋均為石結(jié)構(gòu)。兩側(cè)石欄桿共有望柱62根,主柱頂精刻石獅484個,姿態(tài)各異,素有“盧溝橋的獅子——數(shù)不清”之稱。橋面為花崗巖石板鋪砌,10個橋墩上游有風(fēng)水尖,下游為方形鳳凰臺,橋臺有燕翅,燕翅有八角翼墻。橋兩端均有華表、石碑,并有乾隆題寫“盧溝曉月”碑亭,此橋為著名“燕京八景”之一——盧溝曉月。
Located in Beijing and crossing the Yongding River, the 11-span stone arch bridge was completed in 1192 and renovated in 1986. Wtth 268m in total length and 484 variety of carved lions and ornamented columns and monuments with an inscripted by Emperor Qianlong(Qing Dynasty), the bridge is one of the famous scenic spots of Beijing.